Mentions légales

This website is the property of SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS, a limited liability company registered with the RCS of Paris under number 78885344800017 whose head office is located at 5 Avenue Kléber, 75116 PARIS, France, publisher of said site. This site is hosted by: The following terms govern your consultation of the site. If you disagree with them, you can leave the site. Risks and liability Visiting this site is entirely under your responsibility. SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS cannot guarantee that this site does not contain bugs, errors or viruses that could affect your computer. SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS cannot guarantee that the information on the site is up to date at the time of your visit. Intellectual and industrial property SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS informs users of this site that the elements presented (photos, drawings, logos, model of the site and all graphic or visual elements, etc.) are protected by the legislation in force on copyright, on designs and models. Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, translation, marketing, partial or complete, is prohibited without the prior written consent of SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS. You can nevertheless print entire pages on paper for your personal use, strictly privately. Data protection SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS respects the freedom of any individual visiting the site. This clause describes the information that SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS is likely to collect as well as the use that will be made of it. Personal information: SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS will not obtain information that personally identifies you, directly or indirectly (i.e. your name, address, telephone number or email address; “Personal Information”) unless you voluntarily communicate them to us by responding to the appropriate forms. Bloctel – Right to object to telephone canvassing Bloctel is the list to oppose telephone canvassing on which any consumer can register free of charge in order to no longer be contacted by telephone by a professional with whom they do not have an ongoing contractual relationship , in accordance with Law No. 2014-344 of March 17, 2014 relating to consumption. The law specifies that it is prohibited for any professional, directly or through a third party acting on their behalf, to approach a customer by telephone. consumer registered on this list, with the exception of the cases listed by law. In particular, you may always be called in the following cases: By professionals with whom you have a current contract; For prospecting calls for the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines; For reasons that do not concern the sale of goods or services such as:Calls from a public service Calls from research and survey institutes Calls from non-profit associations If you have freely and unequivocally communicated your number in order to be called back. Therefore, if you are registered on Bloctel, SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS will only be authorized to call you if you are a customer of SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS. If you are not a customer, SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS will only be authorized to call you if you have voluntarily provided your number during a visit to our websites in order to be contacted by telephone by a wealth management consultant or by SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS to take into account your requests, answer your questions, or anticipate certain of your needs (unless express refusal of any commercial approach by SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS when communicating your number to our services). For more information on your rights: Right of access, modification, rectification and deletion Pursuant to Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, we inform you that you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data that concerns you. French law You accept that this site and your relations with SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE COLIGNY SAS are governed by French law, which is the only one applicable to this site.

Any dispute with a user of the site will be submitted to the competent French courts.Any dispute with a user of the site will be submitted to the competent French courts.Any dispute with a user of the site will be submitted to the competent French courts.

5 Avenue Kléber, 75116 PARIS, France.
RCS number - 788853